Parse Analysis and Generation of Turkish Words  v1.0
Gram tests on Turkish word morphology and generating words from parsed words using foma and TRmorph.
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
/home/emre/Desktop/nlp/hw01/main.cppGebze Institute of Tech. CSE 484 Introduction to NLP HW01 Gram tests on Turkish word morphology and generating words from parsed words using foma and TRmorph. To use program you have to download and install foma
/home/emre/Desktop/nlp/hw01/ngram.cppNGram class is used for gram tests. That class can analyse any number of gram
/home/emre/Desktop/nlp/hw01/ngram.hpp [code]NGram class is used for gram tests. That class can analyse any number of gram
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