Parse Analysis and Generation of Turkish Words  v1.0
Gram tests on Turkish word morphology and generating words from parsed words using foma and TRmorph.
Parse Analysis and Generation of Turkish Words


This project started with an homework given at Gebze Institute of Technology CSE 484 Introduction to NLP course.

This project is aimed to study about gram tests on Turkish word morphology and generating words from parsed words using foma and TRmorph.

Feel free to contact me for any suggestions.

Emre Sercan Aslan <>


Step 1: Installing Necessary Scripts

To use program you have to download and install foma and TRmorph.

Go through to install foma. Used version of foma is foma 0.9.17alpha

Use to install TRmorph.

Step 2: Downloading Sources

You can download this project from

Step 3: Use Case

Use Case: program [Input File] [*.fst] [Output File]

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